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Article number: 075611516
Dimensions: 30X15XH85CM
Sales unit: PC


SKU 075611516
Weight 0.985 kg
Sales unit


Any delivery via an external carrier is subject to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR). This means that “the carrier is liable from the moment he accepts the delivery until the moment he delivers the goods” (art. 17 paragraph 1).

Shipments leaving our warehouses are completely intact, no damaged pallets, no visible packaging damage, no hidden damage to the packaging contents. Deliveries are received as such by the carrier.

We therefore urge you to confirm receipt of our deliveries only after a thorough inspection of the pallet and the condition of the packaging. Note any comments regarding this – how minimal they may be – on the transport document. You sign the transport document preceded by the statement “receipt subject to reservation”. The latter in view of possible hidden damage. If in doubt, we recommend that you take a photo of the packaging damage. The burden of proof for exemption from liability rests on the carrier (Article 17, paragraphs 2 and 3).